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The topic, "with what does the Ramadan fast become compulsory", could best understood as, determinants or considerable factors that influence the fasting period in the month of Ramadan. As such, this write-up will briefly address those factors responsible for determining 'when and way' to commence fasting in the blessed month.
Factors Influencing Ramadan Fast:
According to the author of Sohiih Fiq-hus-sunnah, 'sighting of the moon' is the only the factor influencing fasting period in Ramadan. By sighting of the moon, it is meant that, seeing or witnessing the new moon of the month of Ramadan. The commencement of the month of Ramadan could be determined via any of these two ways: Seeing the new cresent, and Completion of Sha`ban. These shall be further discussed below.
1. Sighting of the New Cresent:
This is saying that, before the commencement of Ramadan can be declared or determined, the new moon of Ramadan must be sighted. This is predicated on the saying of Allah: "...So, whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it;..." (Al-Baqorah 2:185
Also, going by the sayings of the prophet, in the book of Bukhoriy, the prophet (s.a.w) was reported saying: "Month (lunar months) consist of twenty-nine days. So, do not fast till you have sighted it (the new moon) and if the sky is cloudy for you, then complete the counting to be thirty [i.e thity night (30 night)]".
Having proved and established the sighting of the moon as a condition for the commencement of Ramadan, it will be inadequate, not discussing some other related components:
A. How do we sight the new moon? Is it by weather forecast or showing of the Cresent?
It should be known that, in Islaam, new months are generally determined by the appearance of hilaal (cresent, new moon) and nothing else. This is supported by an hadiith of the prophet: "Verily, we are an unlettered nation; we neither write, nor do we forecast. The month is like this and this, i.e. sometimes of 29 days and sometimes of thirty days." (Reported by Bukhari, Muslim and others).
There is no difference of opinion regarding the sighting of the moon as the only means not until the time of the contemporary scholars and jurists. Some of them accepted and allowed, without jettisoning the sayings of the prophet, the use of weather forecast in determining the new moon otherwise called, "the cresent".
B. Who confirm the sighting of the moon?
The question as to who confirm the sighting of the moon is very much pertinent to be discussed here. The question, whose witness is to be relied upon as to sighting of the cresent, is summarily provided below:
2. Completion of Sha`baan:
Following from the saying of the prophet on the sighting of the moon as the condition influencing the commencement of Ramadan, completion of the counting of Sha`baan is the second and last solution provided the new moon or the cresent fails to show up. Also, it has been stated that the lunar months do not, by nature, count below 29 days but not exceeding 30 days.
The 30th day of the month preceding Ramadan is regarded as "yawmu shakk (the uncertain day or day of uncertainty)". And there are divergent opinions regarding fasting on this day. These are thus briefly highlighted below:
However, the outweighing view is that fasting on this day should be 'avoided'.
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