In continuation with our Ahaadiithul-fiqhiyyah (أحاديث الفقهية) series, the above topic shall be discussed and using as authority, the two hadiith contained in the book, "`umdatil-ah-kaam (عمدة الأحكام)", and as explained in Tay-siiril-`al-laam (تيسير العلام: شرح عمدة الأحكام).
As said above, there are two hadiith recorded in the two books mentioned above. One of the hadiith provides:
عن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه قال: «كنا نعطيها في زمن الرسول (ص) صاعا من طعام أو صاعا من تمر، أو صاعا من شعير، أو صاعا من أقط، أو صاعا من زبيب، فلما جاء معاوية وجاءت السمراء، قال: أرى مدا من هذه يعدل مدين». قال أبو سعيد، «أما أنا فلا أزال أخرجه كما كنت أخرجه على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم» (متفق عليه)
Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri: «In the lifetime of the Prophet we used to give one Sa' of food or one Sa' of dates or one Sa' of barley or one Sa' of Raisins (dried grapes) as Sodaqat-ul-Fitr. And when Muawiya became the Caliph and the wheat was (available in abundance) he said, I think (observe) that one Mudd (of wheat) equals two Mudds (of any of the above mentioned things)». Abu Sa'id then added, «As for myself, I would continue to give it as I used to give during the time of the prophet»
The following are the rulings derived and extracted from the hadiith:
a. It is mandatory and obligatory on every able Muslims (i.e he who have food in excess of what he needs to feed himself and his entire family on the day of `iid).
b. It is expected that the head of a family, as expressed by majority of scholar, observe the zakaat on behalf of his family: his wives, children and those under him provided they are Muslims. LIKEWISE, to observe on behalf of a fetus (al-janiin) is in unobligatory, it is discretional.
c. Those entitled to have this sodaqotul-fitri are the same as those, who are entitled to normal Zakaat, listed in Q9 vs 60. HOWEVER, in this case, much preference is given on the poor and the needy based on a saying of the prophet (SAW).
d. Amount payable per each person is one Soo-`aa which is equivalent to four mudds of any of the relevant staple foods of that particular community.
e. Similarly, the best time to start giving out the sodaqotul-fitri is the early morning of the day of `iid. NEVERTHELESS, it can still be given out a day or two days ahead of the day of `iid.
f. Sodaqotul-fitri given out after the `iid prayer is nothing but a meer charity.
Sodaqotul-fitri is legislated to be given out towards the end of Romadon but before `iid prayer. Some of the objectives of the instrument of sodaqotul-fitri (or zakatul-fitri as the case may be), inter alia, are:
a. Purification of fast.
b. Supporting the poor and the needy.
c. Disallowing the poor and the needy the cause to beg for what to consume on the auspicious day of `iid.
a. There is lack of consensus among scholars as the permissibility or otherwise of paying sodaqotul-fitri via the instrument of cash price. Some scholars are in support and while some are not. Notwithstanding, both sides adequately present their argument and authorities backing it up. Those in support of the monetary form of sodaqotul-fitri do not deny the fact that priority is given to food substances. HOWEVER, where the situation warrants, it can be paid in monetary form. Walloohu a`lam.
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